Our little guy is a baby no more! He turned officially one on June 16th. Adrian did have an unfortunate but unforgettable birthday. We were mid-family cruise when he got very sick and we spent the night plying him with Tylenol to keep his fever under 102F. On the day of his birthday he tested positive for COVID and Adrian, Daddy, and Mommy spent the rest of the cruise quarantined in our cabin.
Of course, Adrian took it all in stride and played happily with his few toys, exploring the cabin and trying to take the trash out of the trash can over and over. It was a rough day so we didn’t really get to celebrate yet but we don’t need a special occasion to celebrate such a wonderful, beautiful boy.
One Year
Time flies when you’re having fun and the last year has been a blur and a blast. One year and it feels like we’ve always been this trio. Adrian is in the 99th percentile for height and tough as nails when getting his shots.
He’s started to love his swim lessons. Now he splashes and waves to the others in the pool, trying to swim after the floats and toys. Coach Chelsea just promoted him from Lv1 Tadpole to Lv. 2.
He did great with the Great Strides 5K. He loves books like Mommy and music like Daddy. He’s also up to 8 whole teeth!
Play dates with Sammy and Parker are always fun, even if they’re too young to know that they’re playing with each other.
The first half of the cruise (before we were quarantined), Adrian won over the entire crew with his smiles, waves, and high fives. Here are a few of the shots of our, sadly cut short, vacation.
Things Adrian Can Do:
- Pull up on furniture
- Walk around using the furniture for support
- Hold his breath underwater
Things Adrian Loves:
- Swim lessons
- Playing with his cousins
- Hamming it up and getting laughs
- Playing Peek-a-Boo
- Dancing
- His Taco Truck and Little People
- Daniel Tiger
Adrian’s Vocabulary:
- Daddy
- Yeah!
- Uh-Oh
- Wow! and Whoa!
- Nee (“No” in Dutch)
- Die (“that” in Dutch)
- Doggy
- Kitty and Poes (he’s said in both languages)
- All Done in sign language
His personality shines through more and more every day and his infectious charm wins over everyone around him. His doctor, swim teacher, and strangers on the street light up when he waves or smiles at them. All the servers and staff on the cruise were won over by his giggles and high fives. They all asked about him after we went into isolation.
He’s a friendly, happy, stubborn little dude and we’re so grateful he’s ours.
Beautiful to see all the photos and movies, and read about the last year. And what a year it has been! May the next be as good as the first! Even at such a long distance Adrian is making us smile too!
I love the drumming pic the most he looks ready for paradiddles 😍 ❤️❤️